School of Economic Sciences

Agribusiness Management

Current Projects List


  1. Market Price Analysis for Washington Organic Apples and Pears in 2003-2006, 2007
  2. Organic Apple Price in Response to Crop Size Supplied to the Market, 2006
  3. Apple Industry, Projecting Crop Size
    Crop Projection Excel file
  4. Per Acre Receipts for Red Delicious & Gala Apples
  5. Measuring the Effects of Generic Price and Non-Price Promotional Activities: the Case of Washington Apples: a paper that describes part of the work that evaluated WAC promotional activities.
  6. A Cost Production Analysis of Conventional vs. Irrigated vs. Organic Apple Production Systems XB1041
  7. Organic Apple Production in Washington State: an Input-Output Analysis SES WP 2005-3
  8. Use Packouts to Evaluate Orchard Practices, 2004
  9. A Brief Look at the Washington Apple Industry: Past and Present, SES 04-05
  10. Measuring the Apple Industry from the 2002 Census of Agriculture. Update of an study on the Apple Industry that appeared in an article from the Good Fruit Grower.
  11. Apple Outlook, 2002 Crop


  1. Mechanical Asparagus Harvesting Economic Analysis report, Aug. 2009
  2. Estimated Costs and Returns for Establishing and Producing Asparagus in Washington in 2009 report. Asparagus Production Budget Workbook - xls
  3. Asparagus Research
  4. Alternatives to Manual Sorting Using Selected Electronic Graders in Asparagus Fresh Packing Sheds: a Cost-Benefit Analysis, a new Ext. Bul 1958
  5. written in June 2003.
  6. Asparagus New Technologies (Field Research Projects Conducted in the 2002 Asparagus Harvest Season)
  7. Asparagus New Technology, Web Album
  8. Asparagus Research, Selective Machine Harvester
  9. Establishment and Annual Production Costs for Washington Asparagus in 2001, Ext. Bul. 1779
  10. Selective Harvester June 2003 update
  11. Selective Harvester Trials, 2004 update
  12. Simulation of Harvesting Asparagus: Mechanical vs. Manual June 30, 2004
  13. Asparagus Harvester Evaluation - El Centro Test, March 2005.
  14. Final Report Asparagus Harvester Trials Geiger Lund Selective Harvester Evaluation 2004-2005 , July 2005
  15. Cembali T., R. Folwell, R. Huffaker, J. McCluskey, and P. Wandschneider. 2007. "Economics of Alternative Simulated Manual Asparagus Harvesting Strategies." Agricultural Systems, 92(1):266-294.


  1. Painter, Kate and Dennis Roe, 2007. "Economics of Canola Production in the Pacific Northwest." Working Paper 2007-17.

Cooperative Financing

  1. AE 02-4: Options in Financing Agribusiness Cooperatives: Research Findings and Conclusions
  2. EB 1985E: The Changing Dynamics of Grain Cooperatives in Eastern Washington


  1. Market Price Analysis for Washington Organic Apples and Pears in 2003-2006, 2007
  2. Effect of Size and Grade on Profitability of Marketing D'Anjou Pears


  1. AE 02-8: Potatoes for the Fresh Market: The Costs of Growing and Packing
  2. EB1906: 2001 Cost of Producing Processing & Fresh Potatoes Under Center Pivot. Updated 2006, EB2015E, Columbia Basin, WA.
  3. The Economic Impact of Potatoes in Washington State, EB1925
  4. The Economic Impact of a Possible Irrigation-Water Shortage in Odessa Sub-basin Potato Production and Processing (June 2005)
  5. The Minimum Wage and Washington Competitiveness in the Potato Industry, 1999E, (Sept. 2005)
  6. The Economic Impact of Potatoes in Washington State, EB1953E (July 2006). Replaces EB1925 and XB1039.


  1. Straw-to-Energy
  2. The Prospects for an Electrical Generation & Transmission Cooperative Fueled by Straw Produced in Eastern Washington
  3. The Effect of the "No-Burn Ban" on the Economic Viability of Producing Bluegrass Seed in Select Areas of Washington State EB1922E

Wine and Concord Grapes

  1. Summary of Ray Folwell's Wine Industry Research .
  2. Small Winery Investment and Operating Costs, August 2005, EB1996.
  3. Bulk Winery Investment and Operating Costs, XB0997E, reviewed 2004.
  4. Marketing Washington Wines at the Wholesale Level, XB1015E, reviewed 2004.
  5. Establishment and Production Costs for Washington Concord Grapes, Feb. 2004, EB1965.
  6. Production and Marketing Risks Associated with Wine Grapes in Washington, December 2003, XB1035E.
  7. Wine Grape Establishment and Production Costs in Washington, 2003, Ext. Bul. 1955.
  8. Establishment and Annual Production Costs for Washington Wine Grapes, 1999, Ext. Bul. 1588.
  9. Concord Grape Establishment and Production Costs in Washington, 1996, Ext. Bul. 1823.
  10. Foltz, J., S. Woodall, P. Wandschneider, R. Taylor. 2007. "The Contribution of the Grape and Wine Industry to Idaho's Economy: Agribusiness and Tourism Impacts." J. of Agribusiness, 25(Spring):77-91.

tractor moving apple cartons in the orchard trailer of apples in the orchard packing apples


Delica asparagus sorter
Harvester side view 2003 trip
Sorting Station on moving Harvester

Biodiesel at the pump



bartlett pears




potatoes in the field



Light off the wheat stubble in the field


Pinot grapes

Wine grapes on the vine

wine barrels

Heading using the h3 tag

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School of Economic Sciences, PO Box 646210, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6210, 509-335-5555, Contact Us